“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
- Nelson Mandela.
ST.THERESA'S College of Arts and Science, Sathangudi,Tharangambadi, is the result of the powerful vision of the ST.THERESA'S Tharangambadi, spearheaded by a group of highly committed and dedicated ManagementTeam. The core aim of the ST.THERESA'S is the Educational Advancement of the weaker and down trodden sections of the society.
An " Iternal Quality Assurance Cell" is functioning well , with in our Instituition ,fostering Quality Enhancement and for achieving Academic Excellence . During the Current Academic Year( 2021-2022) also,we are planning to conduct many Webinars and Online Programmes[Academic and Co-Academic] ,so as to suit the present pandemic situations ,due to COVID-19 prevailing in Tharangambadi. We are continuing "Online Teaching-Learning' Process , in all the Programmes, from 1st June 2021 onwards . The Online classes are strictly monitored ,by the Academic Monitoring Committee , based on weekly Online time table, prepared in consultation with all the Departments.
We are more conscious in imparting Holistic Educational Excellence to our students, with a strong moral base, and conducting frequent programmes exclusively for uplifting the character and conduct of our students. The College is having 30 and above Faculty Members, in various Departments, 11 members of Office and Supporting Staff. The tolal strength of students comes to 800 and above during the Academic Year 2020-21. All the Under Graduate Programs of our College (B.Com ,BBA ,BCA ,B.Sc [Maths,Computer Science & Physics],B.Lit-Tamil ,B.A[English] ,B.Com-CA.)of External and Internal Evaluation System. . The P.G Programmes M.A-English and M.Com are following of External and Internal Evaluation System.
We are giving special attention in developing the Inter-Personal Skills of our students through providing Soft-Skills, Aptitude, Personality, Career and Entrepreneurial Development Programmes. Let, the Education ,we impart, may lead to the formation and transformation of our students,with ignited minds, for unleashing their power ,for the National Development of our Country.
I am much thankful for the dedication and commitments of our Management Team, Faculty, Supporting Staff, and the disciplined students of our College,for the smooth functioning of the Institution. Our Management is more vigilant in equipping the Institution to attain its Vision and Mission. I hope, the students may make use of all those facilities and opportunities to become more confident, Academically bright and morally strong.